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Sony Ericsson crowd-sourcing ICS preview ROMs

Sony Ericsson crowd-sourcing ICS preview ROMs

Posted on Dec 16, 2011 by MG1

This is one of the coolest stories we've come across in a while. Sony Ericsson is really taking the update to Android 4.0 seriously by releasing alpha builds for certain phones and even asking for community help in the process.
Sony Ericsson has released alpha builds of Android 4.0 for the Xperia Ray, Xperia Arc S, and Xperia Neo V handsets. This is well ahead of the scheduled release of the updates, but SE has a really cool plan here. While these ROMs are not intended for casual users or daily use, SE is pushing for users to use the xda forums to talk about the builds and help SE to build the ROMs better, and more quickly. This is a great gesture of openness that we're hoping catches on wit...

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Ice Cream Sandwich gets its HTML5 scorecard

Ice Cream Sandwich gets its HTML5 scorecard

Posted on Dec 15, 2011 by MG1

Sencha has put together an HTML 5 scorecard for Ice Cream Sandwich using the new Samsung Galaxy Nexus, and has found that ICS is a huge step forward for Android, but still lags behind iOS just a bit in features. In testing ICS, Sencha used a variety of tests including: Acid3, SunSpider, Modernizr, Animator and Touch Kitchen Sink.
In most of the tests, ICS did extremely well, and represents a huge step forward compared to previous versions of Android. It got a perfect score on the Acid3 test, although as sometimes happens with that test, even though it got a perfect score, the Acid3 test image didn't render exactly right. Modernizr showed that the innards of the ICS browser also look good wi...

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Qualcomm readies Snapdragon S4 developer tablet for Ice Cream Sandwich

Qualcomm readies Snapdragon S4 developer tablet for Ice Cream Sandwich

Posted on Dec 14, 2011 by MG1

While it’s not the first time we’ve seen the latest version of Android on a tablet, it’s fun to see Qualcomm loading Android Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0.1 onto its Snapdragon S4 developer tablet.
This will be the ultimate tablet for developers to test their Android apps on, thanks to the impressive hardware specs and Qualcomm’s Liquid mobile development platform. The device packs just about anything you could want in a tablet, and therefore all the tools necessary for any type of app developers try to throw at it. It will of course feature Qualcomm’s new top-of-the-line Snapdragon S4 processors, which are not yet in any consumer products. The MSM8625 and MSM8225 are dual-core and can be clocked a...

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Sony Ericsson explains Ice Cream Sandwich update

Sony Ericsson explains Ice Cream Sandwich update

Posted on Dec 09, 2011 by MG1

Surprisingly close to when Motorola did it, Sony Ericsson laid out the process for updating its phones to Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. Basically, it’s going to take a while for Android 4.0 to land on Sony Ericsson’s phones but that doesn’t mean it isn’t working hard on it.
The company had previously said that 2011 Xperia devices like the Arc will definitely get the Ice Cream Sandwich upgrade. It is very transparent about the process of getting this software on its devices, as this involves taking the open source version, adapting it to their custom user interface, testing it internally, getting it approved by carriers around the world, testing some more and then sending it out. In particu...

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Sony Ericsson and Motorola Detail Android 4.0 Upgrade Path

Sony Ericsson and Motorola Detail Android 4.0 Upgrade Path

Posted on Dec 08, 2011 by MG15

We've talked in the past about how OEMs take the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) and use it to build software tailored for devices in the context of x86 optimizations, and today two partners are sharing some more details about their specific timelines for Android 4.0 releases. Those two are Sony Ericsson and Motorola, who have outlined in their respective blog posts the path from code to getting a fully baked ROM pushed out over the air to handsets.

The two posts describe the process as we've understood it for a while now, and with Android 4.0 things don't seem any different. Google works with a specific OEM and SoC vendor around some chosen reference hardware (in this case Galaxy Nexus)...

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Motorola lays out Ice Cream Sandwich update plans

Motorola lays out Ice Cream Sandwich update plans

Posted on Dec 08, 2011 by MG1

If you’ve picked up a new Motorola Droid Razr, you’re probably wondering when you’re going to get the Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich upgrade. Well, Motorola feels your pain and it has written a blog post outlining its Ice Cream Sandwich upgrade plans.
Motorola doesn’t hit on many new beats, as it reiterates that the Droid Razr, Droid Bionic and Xoom will definitely get the 4.0 upgrade but it does give us a deeper look at what it takes to upgrade these devices to the latest version of Android. The process goes like this: Google open sources the latest version, Motorola adapts that to its devices and adds its own touches like MotoCast, it stabilizes the upgrade, submits that to carrier certifi...

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Motorola promises Android 4.0 ICS upgrades for DROID RAZR, DROID BIONIC, XOOM (again)

Motorola promises Android 4.0 ICS upgrades for DROID RAZR, DROID BIONIC, XOOM (again)

Posted on Dec 08, 2011 by MG1

Motorola has posted a rather lengthy explanation of the Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich upgrade process to its corporate blog, where it details the four major steps that need to occur before a software update is made available to users. Unfortunately, the company doesn't provide any extra information as to exactly when the Android 4.0 upgrade for existing devices will be released or when it plans to launch new devices with Android 4.0 already on them. It did reiterate its previous commitment to bring the new software to the DROID RAZR, DROID BIONIC, and XOOM tablet, but it has yet to provide an exact timeframe.

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Android 4.0 ported to x86 platforms by Android-x86 project

Android 4.0 ported to x86 platforms by Android-x86 project

Posted on Dec 05, 2011 by MG1

The Android-x86 project has ported Google's open-source code to x86 platforms, meaning that developers can now take advantage of Android 4.0 on AMD and Intel based tablets. The release includes support for Wi-Fi, multitouch, and OpenGL hardware acceleration for AMD chipsets, but sound, camera, Ethernet, and hardware acceleration for Intel platforms is not working yet. The team has a special install package for AMD Brazos tablets — interestingly, Chih-Wei Huang from the Android-x86 project says that AMD provides the team with great support, including the donation of devices and help from engineers, while Intel hasn't pitched in. (But we already know that Intel is working on x86 based Android ...

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Google employees getting a bite of Ice Cream Sandwich on the Nexus S

Google employees getting a bite of Ice Cream Sandwich on the Nexus S

Posted on Dec 05, 2011 by MG1

A few Google employees took to various social media outlets to brag about receiving an internal OTA update that puts Ice Cream Sandwich on the Nexus S. Apparently they must have taken their joy to the web a bit too early, because over the course of the day, most of the postings have been deleted.
It seems that Google is definitely dogfooding this update, which is when a company tests a product prior to releasing it to the public in order to correct glitches and bugs. Since it seems that official info is tight on this one, we’re left to speculate on how soon we could see Ice Cream Sandwich available to everyone on the Nexus S.

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Verizon's Galaxy Nexus updated to Android 4.1.0, finally ready to dance?

Verizon's Galaxy Nexus updated to Android 4.1.0, finally ready to dance?

Posted on Dec 05, 2011 by MG1

A lucky human known as "Bradgog" posted the above screenshot to a thread on My Droid World last night, ostensibly heralding the arrival of Android 4.1 on Verizon's Samsung Galaxy Nexus. As you can see in the image (purportedly taken on Verizon's 3G network), the firmware update appears to bring a new baseband radio to the handset, which, in turn, may explain the delay in bringing the device to Big Red's stable. It's hard to say for sure, though we should have a clearer idea any day now.

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Ice Cream Sandwich has a hidden "Rocket Launcher"

Ice Cream Sandwich has a hidden "Rocket Launcher"

Posted on Dec 02, 2011 by MG1

In case you've ever dreamed of flying through the cosmos with app icons zipping past you, you're in luck because for some reason or another Google has another Easter Egg hidden within Ice Cream Sandwich for you. This is of course in addition to the uber-weird homage to the nyan cat meme that Google also built into ICS, but at least this one is somewhat useful.
This Easter Egg, which is called "Rocket Launcher", is a little bit trickier to find than NyanDroid. For this one, you'll need to install LauncherPro (one of the better launcher replacements anyway), which will let you access Activity Shortcuts. When placing the Activity Shortcut, just choose the Rocket Launcher option from the menu, ...

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Android 4.0 source code for x86 processors opening up to developers

Android 4.0 source code for x86 processors opening up to developers

Posted on Dec 01, 2011 by MG1

For all of the Android developers out there, Google’s Android development team has opened up Ice Cream Sandwich (Android 4.0.1) for x86 processors for both Intel and AMD systems. Take note that the release isn’t yet completely stable, there being some compatibility issues with Intel processors for sound, hardware acceleration, camera, and ethernet. On the flip side, Ice Cream Sandwich compatibility seems to be working just fine with AMD processors, Wi-Fi, sound, and hardware acceleration for AMD chipsets all good to go.

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More Optimus handsets will receive Ice Cream Sandwich upgrade, LG confirms

More Optimus handsets will receive Ice Cream Sandwich upgrade, LG confirms

Posted on Nov 29, 2011 by MG1

LG's list of Android 4.0 phones is about to get a little longer, now that the manufacturer has confirmed the arrival of Ice Cream Sandwich for even more handsets. LG revealed the news today in a Facebook post, specifying that the Optimus Black, Optimus 3D and Optimus LTE will all receive updates to Google's latest OS, along with the previously announced Optimus 2X. The company also said that it's "continuing to evaluate the ICS OS to determine whether it is compatible with the functionality, features and performance of other LG smartphones," adding that it hopes to bring the update to as many devices as possible. LG hasn't provided any concrete timeline for the rollout, though it expects to ...

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HTC G1 gets a taste of Ice Cream Sandwich

HTC G1 gets a taste of Ice Cream Sandwich

Posted on Nov 24, 2011 by MG1

Even though Ice Cream Sandwich is popping up everywhere since its source code was released to the public, we've got to give a shout out now that its been squeezed onto the original Google phone, HTC's G1. The G1 was last seen sporting an unofficial Honeycomb port, and now jcarrz1 from XDA-Developers is showing off his device running Android 4.0 in this video. So far the touchscreen is (slowly) working, along with all apps and "ICS goodies", though WiFi, Bluetooth and rotation are still out. That's a nice effort for a device that some said wouldn't see any versions past 1.5, so press play and witness the unholy fusion of Android's past and present working all at once, or hit the source link b...

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NVIDIA demos Android 4.0 ICS on ASUS Transformer Prime

NVIDIA demos Android 4.0 ICS on ASUS Transformer Prime

Posted on Nov 23, 2011 by MG1

Though we expect the ASUS Transformer Prime to launch with Android 3.2 Honeycomb on board when it ships next month, that doesn't mean that NVIDIA and ASUS aren't hard at work getting Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich running on the convertible tablet. As proof of this, NVIDIA has released a demo video that gives us one of our first looks at Ice Cream Sandwich on a tablet and showcases some of the new features of Android 4.0.

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