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Ice Cream Sandwich installed on nearly 5% of Android devices

Ice Cream Sandwich installed on nearly 5% of Android devices

Posted on May 02, 2012 by MG1

Android Developers compiled the data over the two week period ending May 1st and has come out with its latest report on the distribution of various Android OS versions. According to the figures, the version of Android used most is Android 2.3 with a 64.4% share. Breaking that down further, 63.9% of Android devices are powered by Android 2.3.3 through 2.3.7. The percentage of Android devices stuck on Froyo is 20.9% which indicates that many of those with a Android 2.2 device are not getting updates and are waiting for their contract to expire to upgrade to a newer model.

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Google: We're fine with keeping you waiting for slow Android updates

Google: We're fine with keeping you waiting for slow Android updates

Posted on Apr 30, 2012 by MG1

Android smartphones are not typically updated very frequently, leaving many owners to either try and update their own device, or wait for months or even years to get the latest operating system. The technical lead developer on the Android Open Source Project believes the slow update rate many Android users have had to endure is “very reasonable.” Sometimes, Jean-Baptiste Queru revealed his opinion on his Google+ page in a congratulatory post towards Sony, who recently updated its Tablet S to Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. The developer said the Japanese company was the biggest contributor to Android, leaving all other manufacturers playing catch-up. Due to its contributions, Sony is able to...

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Ubuntu releases 12.04 Precise Pangolin LTS Linux

Ubuntu releases 12.04 Precise Pangolin LTS Linux

Posted on Apr 30, 2012 by MG1

Popular Linux distribution Ubuntu announced the immediate availability of their latest release yesterday, bringing with it Unity and its file searching tool HUD to enterprise users as part of the long-term support release which distribution backer Canonical will offer security updates for until 2017.
"There's a significant set of aesthetic changes for users, and ultimately beauty is a feature," Steve George, head of communications at Canonical, told ZDNet. "Users enjoy their environments more when they look beautiful and modern." That said, it's also true that Unity continues to seriously divide loyal followers and this latest release is unlikely to be any different despite some major improv...

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Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Precise Pangolin hits the web, with HUD in tow

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Precise Pangolin hits the web, with HUD in tow

Posted on Apr 27, 2012 by MG1

It's here! Precise Pangolin or, as it's officially known, Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Canonical's latest is now available in its final(ish) form and ready for you to download, burn and install. While LTS (Long Term Support) releases are generally more conservative in their application of new features, Pangolin does include some rather notable tweaks. The most immediately noticeable will be the new log in screen which, while largely the same, does have the slick new trick of changing wall papers to match the selected user. A more subtle change is revealed once you've logged on and press alt -- HUD. The new search-based menu system is quite a departure from traditional interaction models, and one that w...

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Rumor claims Wii U has Android built-in

Rumor claims Wii U has Android built-in

Posted on Apr 27, 2012 by MG1

It is starting to feel like whenever a device or company is losing steam, there's one surefire way to at least get it some buzz: claim that Android is going to be added in. We've seen it time and again. There have been multiple rumors that RIM would be either switching to Android, making its apps available for Android, or simply selling to the largest Android manufacturer. There have been rumors that Sony might adopt Android for its PlayStation products. And now, it has been rumored that the next Nintendo console, the Wii U, will have Android built-in.
We just heard about how Nintendo thinks that the iPhone killed portable game consoles (although we're not sure if Nintendo needs to "think" ...

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Sony releases Android 4.0 update for Tablet S

Sony releases Android 4.0 update for Tablet S

Posted on Apr 27, 2012 by MG3

Sony has just announced that the Android 4.0 update for its Tablet S is now available and should be rolling out to owners —j ust connect your Tablet S to Wi-Fi and you should be prompted for a system update. It's good to see Sony living up to its word and delivering this update when it said it would, though we're still waiting for the Tablet P to receive its Ice Cream Sandwich update. To go along with this update, Sony's offering the Tablet S at a bit of a discount — if you buy between now and May 12th, you'll receive $50 as well as a free cradle accessory. This puts the Tablet S at $349 for the 16GB model, and while it isn't the best Android tablet we've ever used, the infusion of Ice Cream...

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HTC and Facebook working on new Android smartphone for later this year, says DigiTimes

HTC and Facebook working on new Android smartphone for later this year, says DigiTimes

Posted on Apr 26, 2012 by MG3

HTC and Facebook, two companies already familiar with one another from their partnership on the ChaCha and Salsa handsets, are reportedly in the midst of jointly developing a new Android smartphone. DigiTimes cites insider sources in reporting that a specially customized Facebook-centric handset is set to launch in the latter half of this year. It's said to feature "a platform exclusive to Facebook," which will facilitate the integration of the social network's full feature set into the phone. Yes, that's all very general at this point, but we're inclined to believe there's some truth to this, following the moderately successful run of the ChaCha / ChaChaCha / Status device, which was handic...

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Samsung Galaxy Nexus 2 primed: Android 5.0 on the horizon?

Samsung Galaxy Nexus 2 primed: Android 5.0 on the horizon?

Posted on Apr 26, 2012 by MG3

Excited to the point of exploding about the Samsung Galaxy S3? It might be time to take a step back and look at the bigger picture if word from Digitimes is to be believed. The rumour mill is churning, and has just popped out a solid nugget of golden gossip: The next Nexus phone is coming, and it’s coming from Samsung once again…

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Sony Xperia Ice Cream Sandwich update given thumbs up

Sony Xperia Ice Cream Sandwich update given thumbs up

Posted on Apr 26, 2012 by MG3

Sony has posted a quick update on how the roll-out of Ice Cream Sandwich to its 2011 Xperia line up is going.
The short answer? It's going pretty well considering the Android 4.0 roll-out only began in mid-April.
The Sony Xperia Arc S, Xperia Neo and Xperia Ray updates are all "progressing as planned" with the global roll-out spreading across various countries according to schedule.

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Google wanted to subsidize a $9.99 unlimited data plan for Android phones

Google wanted to subsidize a $9.99 unlimited data plan for Android phones

Posted on Apr 26, 2012 by MG3

In documents revealed during the Oracle v. Google trial today, Google mentioned to T-Mobile back in 2006 that it wanted to turn the carrier plan pricing structure on its head by underwriting part of the cost of an unlimited data package. By Google's math, customers would pay $9.99 a month for unlimited data — to subsidize the reduce cost, the company would forgo the commission it earned from T-Mobile for referring Android buyers to its online store. Google figured that its own services — Gmail, search, and so on — would consume about 15MB a month, a figure likely estimated to be far lower in 2006 than it is today.

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Acer Iconia Tab A500's Android 4.0 update shows early

Acer Iconia Tab A500's Android 4.0 update shows early

Posted on Apr 26, 2012 by MG3

Android 4.0 has arrived just a couple of days earlier than previously billed for Acer's Iconia Tab A500, according to reports from Android Central. The OS update had been scheduled to arrive April 27.
Acer has been rolling out the OS update for its Iconia line of tablets since February, with the Iconia Tab A200 first in line. That update fixed a number of bugs in the A200's operation, improving browser responsiveness and microphone functioning, along with the features Android 4.0 itself brings.

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Android Trojan Can Track Your Keystrokes Using Motion Sensors

Android Trojan Can Track Your Keystrokes Using Motion Sensors

Posted on Apr 25, 2012 by MG3

Smartphones work very hard to keep your keystrokes secure, but now there's a new way for malware to get at them. Researchers at IBM and Penn State have developed a new kind of trojan that tracks what you type into your phone using only your phone's motion sensors.

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Tim Cook on Android patent litigation: 'I highly prefer to settle'

Tim Cook on Android patent litigation: 'I highly prefer to settle'

Posted on Apr 25, 2012 by MG3

It sounds like those court-ordered settlement talks between Apple and Samsung are going pretty well — Tim Cook just told analysts on Apple's Q2 2012 financial call that he's "always hated litigation, and I continue to hate it." The problem, according to Cook, is that Apple "wants people to invent their own stuff," but that "if we could get to some kind of arrangement where we could be assured that that's the case, I highly prefer to settle versus battle."

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T-Mobile ICS updates lost on Samsung

T-Mobile ICS updates lost on Samsung

Posted on Apr 25, 2012 by MG3

It seems that everyone with a Samsung phone or tablet will be getting an upgrade to Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich soon, with some limits, except for basically the entirety of T-Mobile. Sad as it may seem, Samsung’s big list of Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich upgrades today appears very much to have been relegated to everyone except for T-Mobile. T-Mobile Samsung devices that otherwise might have been upgradable at the moment include the Exhibit II 4G, Galaxy S Blaze 4G, and the Galaxy S II in white and titanium, each of these being suspiciously absent from the updates list.

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Android 4.0.4 factory images hit the web for GSM Galaxy Nexus

Android 4.0.4 factory images hit the web for GSM Galaxy Nexus

Posted on Apr 25, 2012 by MG3

Sure, pushing builds of Android 4.0.4 out over the air is great, but what if you want to keep that unblemished piece of Ice Cream Sandwich for posterity? You could download the AOSP files, but you'd be missing some vital ingredients from the official factory images. Thankfully, build IMM76I of Google's mobile OS is available to download in a simple archived format. With this release Big G is also introducing a second version of its software. In addition to the standard "yakju," there's now "takju," which includes Google Wallet and the necessary support files. If you're a safety first kind of guy or gal and like to keep a simple factory reset kit handy (you know, just in case that latest CM9 ...

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