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T-Mobile ICS updates lost on Samsung

T-Mobile ICS updates lost on Samsung

Posted on Apr 25, 2012 by MG3

It seems that everyone with a Samsung phone or tablet will be getting an upgrade to Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich soon, with some limits, except for basically the entirety of T-Mobile. Sad as it may seem, Samsung’s big list of Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich upgrades today appears very much to have been relegated to everyone except for T-Mobile. T-Mobile Samsung devices that otherwise might have been upgradable at the moment include the Exhibit II 4G, Galaxy S Blaze 4G, and the Galaxy S II in white and titanium, each of these being suspiciously absent from the updates list.

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Google Docs now redirects to Google Drive

Google Docs now redirects to Google Drive

Posted on Apr 25, 2012 by MG3

Filed in: Google

Today Google finally launched its cloud-storage service Google Drive, and for those who have signed up you'll now find yourself redirected to Drive when you attempt to access Google Docs. This only happens if you're signed up for the new service, and you'll still be able to access all of your documents as before — it's just done through Drive now. The change even removes the "documents" option from Google's navigation bar, which suggests that Google might be rebranding its popular app as part of the new storage service. Of course, it also might cause some confusion for people looking for Google Docs who are unaware of the change. Google is no stranger to major rebranding, as we saw when the ...

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Android 4.0.4 factory images hit the web for GSM Galaxy Nexus

Android 4.0.4 factory images hit the web for GSM Galaxy Nexus

Posted on Apr 25, 2012 by MG3

Sure, pushing builds of Android 4.0.4 out over the air is great, but what if you want to keep that unblemished piece of Ice Cream Sandwich for posterity? You could download the AOSP files, but you'd be missing some vital ingredients from the official factory images. Thankfully, build IMM76I of Google's mobile OS is available to download in a simple archived format. With this release Big G is also introducing a second version of its software. In addition to the standard "yakju," there's now "takju," which includes Google Wallet and the necessary support files. If you're a safety first kind of guy or gal and like to keep a simple factory reset kit handy (you know, just in case that latest CM9 ...

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Motorola RAZR HD running ICS spotted in the wild, 720p display in tow

Motorola RAZR HD running ICS spotted in the wild, 720p display in tow

Posted on Apr 25, 2012 by MG3

Last week, a Motorola engineer's Picasa album all but confirmed the existence of the Motorola Droid RAZR HD. And while we can't say

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ASUS Transformer TF101 gets ICS update

ASUS Transformer TF101 gets ICS update

Posted on Apr 25, 2012 by MG3

ASUS has released an Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich update for the original Eee Pad Transformer. The Taiwanese company announced the update today, posting the release notes to its blog. The update will bring the firmware version to and will start rolling out to users today.
The update will add several enhancements, such as improving system stability, email stability, AppBackup App, and MyLibrary stability. It will also bring support for WiFi Direct, the unzip function in File Manager, and the restore tab function in Browser.

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Google raises Gmail to 10GB free, 10-times increase since launching in 2004

Google raises Gmail to 10GB free, 10-times increase since launching in 2004

Posted on Apr 25, 2012 by MG3

Filed in: Google

Eight years ago one gigabyte of online storage was a remarkable thing. One gigabyte of email? Preposterous, but that's exactly what Google offered back in 2004 with the launch of Gmail, and now that factor is increasing. Current Gmail users were floating at around 7.5GB of storage but, as part of all the Google Drive hoopla, that storage is now officially up to 10GB. That's a lot of spam and, for those of us who are already paying extra for more storage, it's even more room to grow before we upgrade to the next tier.

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Google+ gets share button to help rival Facebook Likes

Google+ gets share button to help rival Facebook Likes

Posted on Apr 25, 2012 by MG3

Filed in: Google

Google debuted a new Share button on Tuesday, allowing sites to give users the option to post content directly from a site to a user's Google+ account. The move brings Google's social networking site in further alignment with the capabilities of its chief rival, Facebook.

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Google unleashes software development kit for Drive

Google unleashes software development kit for Drive

Posted on Apr 25, 2012 by MG3

Filed in: Google

Google Drive wasn't Google's only release today. With less fanfare than the cloud storage announcement, Google also released the Google Drive Software Development Kid (SDK). The SDK allows developers to implement Google Drive integration and further allows an application to take advantage of Google's sharing, identity management, and storage.

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Chrome for Android will soon emerge from beta status

Chrome for Android will soon emerge from beta status

Posted on Apr 25, 2012 by MG3

Google is notorious for their extended beta periods; Gmail was in beta seemingly forever, Google Music spent half a year in beta, and Google Navigation has guided Android owners across 50 billion kilometers of terrain without leaving beta. But it seems that Chrome for Android is not destined to wallow in beta forever, according to a recent statement by Sunday Pichai, Senior VP of Chrome for Google.

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Facebook Makes Android Apps More Viral With Social Discovery

Facebook Makes Android Apps More Viral With Social Discovery

Posted on Apr 25, 2012 by MG3

Facebook has been in the process of ramping up its effort to leverage its ever-growing platform to aid mobile developers to market their native and HTML5-based apps. In this attempt to extend its platform on mobile, Facebook brought its social channels and social app discovery to mobile web apps on Android and native apps on iOS. With a new update to Facebook for Android, the social network today announced that it is bringing social discovery to native Android apps.

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And on the 7th day Oracle rested

And on the 7th day Oracle rested

Posted on Apr 25, 2012 by MG3

Filed in: Google

We’re officially a week into the epic Oracle v. Google trial, as Oracle attempts to squeeze Google’s mobile operating system to see if there’s money inside. For those of you who haven’t kept up on every last detail, the trial has been broken into three phases; the first part covers the alleged copyright infringement and is what is happening right now. This will be followed by a second phase covering Oracle's greatly diminished patent infringement allegations, and finally (if Oracle wins either of the first two phases) a damages phase will be triggered.

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Samsung Galaxy S2 Ice Cream Sandwich: T-Mobile update available now!

Samsung Galaxy S2 Ice Cream Sandwich: T-Mobile update available now!

Posted on Apr 24, 2012 by MG3

Finally. With Three, O2 and Vodafone Samsung Galaxy S2 owners now reveling in the glory of Ice Cream Sandwich, it was only a matter of time before T-Mobile managed to push its update out too. Want to get yours? Here’s how…
T-Mobile has ambled through the gates as the last UK operator to bring Ice Cream Sandwich to the Galaxy S2. It’s comes behind Three’s valiant effort to go first, with its update launching on March 20th, O2’s on the 27th March and Vodafone’s on April 17th.

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Google Rolls Out AdWords for Video on YouTube

Google Rolls Out AdWords for Video on YouTube

Posted on Apr 24, 2012 by MG3

Filed in: Google

When it comes to consumer technology, the only thing hotter than mobile apps is Internet video, an area that has seen explosive growth in the last few years. Now YouTube has introduced a familiar framework designed to allow advertisers to capitalize on this video boom, dubbed Google AdWords for Video.
The program was soft launched last September for a select group, but now Google AdWords for Video is available to all and it essentially follows the same logic as Google's text-based AdWords. What that means is that keywords will allow a company's video ad to appear during relevant video searches, companies only pay for the targeted video ads that people actually view, and they have access to d...

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Google increases vulnerability reporting reward to $20,000

Google increases vulnerability reporting reward to $20,000

Posted on Apr 24, 2012 by MG3

Filed in: Google

Google has updated the bounties for its Vulnerability Reward Program. Users who report a bug from one of Google's products stand to earn up to $20,000 for each potential vulnerability declared to the search giant.
The $20,000 bounty can be achieved by finding a vulnerability that would allow execution of code on Google production systems. People discovering SQL injection and similar levels of issues can receive $10,000, with the lesser original values of $3,133.70 and $1,337 for cross-site scripting. The lowest possible reward amount is $100.

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Reuters: Google Drive to offer up to 100GB of storage, Tuesday launch teased

Reuters: Google Drive to offer up to 100GB of storage, Tuesday launch teased

Posted on Apr 24, 2012 by MG3

Filed in: Google

The rumors about Google Drive have been coming fast and furious lately, and now we've got one more piece to add to the puzzle — as well as a possible launch date. Reuters is reporting that Google's cloud-storage service will indeed launch with 5GB of free storage as was reported last week, but adds that users will be able to add additional tiers of capacity for a monthly charge, all the way up to a maximum of 100GB. According to Reuters' "source familiar with the matter," a launch is imminent, with an announcement to be made as soon as Tuesday. As expected, the service is said to allow users to store documents, images, and other files, and will implement a "sophisticated image search technol...

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