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The next iPhone might feature a screen that is less than 4

The next iPhone might feature a screen that is less than 4", contrary to popular beliefs

Posted on Aug 29, 2011 by MG15

Despite persistent rumors that the screen on the next iPhone will be 4"-4.2", extrapolated from some hearsay, concept renders, or alleged leaked bezels, the almighty "upstream supply chain sources" of Digitimes report that this might turn out to be just the public's opinion on it.

They say that the screen will most likely be 3.5"-3.7", but the thinner bezel surrounding it is making it look bigger. Another nugget of info from the news piece is that the back of the phone will be crafted out of metal, not the easy to shatter and heavy glass it has now. The rest of the rumored specs are regurgitated - A5 dual-core processor, 8MP camera and uber-thin design.

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Sprint asks dealers to secretively deny to comment on iPhone 5 rumor

Sprint asks dealers to secretively deny to comment on iPhone 5 rumor

Posted on Aug 29, 2011 by MG15

A Sprint-bound iPhone 5? The Wall Street Journal has been spreading the juicy rumor last week, hence the Now Network expects a flood of questions, so it has issued a how-to guide for dealers facing the issue of a news hungry Sprint customer. Instead of simply rejecting the rumor, as that seems the most obvious thing to do with a false statement, Sprint has asked dealers to answer with a vague “no comment.” If the iPhone news hungry Sprint customer continues to ask questions, dealers should admit they’ve seen the rumors, but finally redirect customers to Sprint’s official news wire.

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iPhone 5 mainboard, N94 iPhone prototype surface

iPhone 5 mainboard, N94 iPhone prototype surface

Posted on Aug 29, 2011 by MG3

Two leaks Friday have more clues as to the iPhone 5 and its development process. One sighting purports to be of the iPhone 5's mainboard. The AppleLeaks discovery doesn't confirm the expected A5 chip or other details but has different connections for the camera and power modules as well as the headphone jack and power sensor.

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Possible iPhone 5 frame hints new antenna, new inside

Possible iPhone 5 frame hints new antenna, new inside

Posted on Aug 26, 2011 by MG15

A newly spotted frame obtained by iPatchiPods has hinted that either the iPhone 5, the 8GB iPhone 4, or both will have a redesigned antenna structure. Where the AT&T iPhone 4 has the antenna breaks on the steel frame on the bottom of its left side and the top left, and the CDMA iPhone 4 has both at the top of the sides, the model shown to MacRumors has two at the bottom.

On the current CDMA model, the antennas were placed to account for the different behavior of the radio. The frame shown here has a SIM slot, though whether it's dual-mode or not is still uncertain.

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Pictures of alleged Apple iPhone 4S casing show changes in antenna design

Pictures of alleged Apple iPhone 4S casing show changes in antenna design

Posted on Aug 26, 2011 by MG15

Pictures of what is alleged to be the casing for the rumored lower priced Apple iPhone model, let's call it the 4S, was obtained by MacRumors from iPatchiPods. The current GSM version of the Apple iPhone 4 has a single seam on top while the CDMA version has two seams on either side of the top. The seams separate the iPhone 4 into different antenna segments. There are two on the GSM version and three on the CDMA variant.

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iPhone 5 concept video shows holographic keyboard and display - SlashGear

iPhone 5 concept video shows holographic keyboard and display - SlashGear

Posted on Aug 25, 2011 by MG15

We’ve seen plenty of iPhone 5 concept renderings in the past, one of the most recent being the More @ Less design, but here we have a neat concept in video format. The video is created by a San Francisco-based 3D animation and digital content shop called Aatma Studio, which imagines the integration of pico projection for holographic keyboards and displays on future iPhones.

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New report resurrects T-Mobile iPhone 5 rumor

New report resurrects T-Mobile iPhone 5 rumor

Posted on Aug 25, 2011 by MG15

Will wonders never cease? Just one day after The Wall Street Journal reported Sprint will begin selling Apple’s iPhone 5 in October, a new report resurrects rumors that T-Mobile will also launch Apple’s fifth-generation phone later this fall. Apple blog MacTrast claims T-Mobile will launch the new iPhone in early to mid-October, citing “a contact within T-Mobile who claims to have been briefed on the matter.” BGR exclusively published photos this past April revealing that Apple has indeed been testing an iPhone model compatible with T-Mobile’s 3G network. We also speculated in early July that Apple would launch its iPhone on all major U.S. carriers this fall. Apple’s next-generation smartpho...

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A Sprint iPhone could sell 6 million units next year, says analyst

A Sprint iPhone could sell 6 million units next year, says analyst

Posted on Aug 24, 2011 by MG15

Extrapolating from Verizon's 11% iPhone penetration since the iPhone 4 appeared in its portfolio, Gene Muster from Piper Jaffray concludes that the rumored appearance of the next iPhone on Sprint in October could net Cupertino 6 million units sold in 2012.

Granted, Verizon was all about Android until recently, and Sprint not so much, although it does carry the latest and greatest handsets with the green robot, so the number might be even larger than this 6 million iPhones prediction.

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Sprint to offer iPhone 5 in October, WSJ reports

Sprint to offer iPhone 5 in October, WSJ reports

Posted on Aug 24, 2011 by MG15

In line with recent analyst speculation, Sprint will offer the iPhone 5 in the “middle” of October, The Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday, noting that the device will be sold at the same time as Apple’s current iPhone 4. That suggests that recent reports about the iPhone 4 being sold as a lower-priced option are accurate. Apple is expected to announce the successor to the iPhone 4 in September or October. The iPhone 5 is expected to be thinner and lighter than the iPhone 4 and recent reports have suggested that it will be a “bigger update” than expected. Other reports have also suggested that the device will offer an 8-megapixel camera and a dual-core processor.

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Apple iPhone 5 to be a World Phone with dual-mode support of both CDMA and GSM

Apple iPhone 5 to be a World Phone with dual-mode support of both CDMA and GSM

Posted on Aug 23, 2011 by MG15

According to the guys at Tech Crunch, an iOS developer, who remains anonymous but has come up with some of the most well loved apps on the platform, passed along some evidence that shows that the Apple iPhone 5 will be a dual-mode "World Phone". The developer apparently sent Tech Crunch some app usage logs that show that a small number of developers were registering their application from a brand new dual-mode Apple device.

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More evidence Apple is testing 4G LTE iPhone and iPad emerges

More evidence Apple is testing 4G LTE iPhone and iPad emerges

Posted on Aug 22, 2011 by MG15

New evidence has emerged that further confirms Apple’s ongoing tests of an LTE-enabled iPhone and iPad. BGR exclusively reported last week that multiple Apple carrier partners are currently testing iPhone models equipped with LTE radios. Our source also supplied a PLIST file containing evidence of the LTE-enabled iPhone. Now, MacRumors has discovered this LTE.plist file in iOS 5 developer builds for both the GSM iPhone 4 and the CDMA iPad 2. While the discovery of these files does not necessarily indicate that Apple plans to release 4G LTE-compatible devices in the near future, it does reaffirm that ongoing tests are being conducted with the new high-speed wireless technology.

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AT&T VP: iPhone 5 coming in early October, prepare to get

AT&T VP: iPhone 5 coming in early October, prepare to get "really, really busy"

Posted on Aug 22, 2011 by MG15

One of our high-level AT&T sources just informed us that an AT&T Vice President has confirmed to several employees that the iPhone 5 is slated to launch in early October. Additionally, the VP communicated the following to a group of managers: “Expect things to get really, really busy in the next 35-50 days, so prepare your teams accordingly.” Apple is widely expected to announce the iPhone 5 in a late September event with a release set for early October.

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Alleged snapshot of the next iPhone's display production line features a revamped home key

Alleged snapshot of the next iPhone's display production line features a revamped home key

Posted on Aug 18, 2011 by MG3

A photo has emerged on Sina Weibo, the Chinese version of Twitter, and it allegedly depicts a production line at Wintek, an Apple touchscreen components supplier.
The user who posted it claims that the display components in the picture are from working on parts for the next iPhone, and if that's indeed the case, a few observations spring to mind, that tie up with previous rumors about the screen's features.

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Could the iPhone 5 come with support for LTE after all?

Could the iPhone 5 come with support for LTE after all?

Posted on Aug 18, 2011 by MG3

So far, industry analysts have been split in their opinion whether the next iPhone will support LTE connectivity or not, but the rumor that we just came across might shed some light on the issue. According to an Engadget tipster, one of Apple's major retail stores has just been provided with LTE equipment, and the reason for that is speculated to be, of course, that the iPhone 5 will boast an LTE radio.

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iPhone 5 on Sept 12 tips carrier insider, but iPad 3 2011 plans scrapped

iPhone 5 on Sept 12 tips carrier insider, but iPad 3 2011 plans scrapped

Posted on Aug 17, 2011 by MG3

More behind the scenes Apple shuffling today, with good news and bad about two of the most anticipated iOS devices on the horizon. The iPhone 5 could well be on track for a September 12 launch, Engadget‘s tipster informs them, after word that carrier Telefonica will begin scaling back its current iPhone stock in time for that date so as to “prepare us for the launch of a new smart phone.” However, Apple’s supposed plans for an iPad 3 release in the second half of 2011 have reportedly been axed over high-res screen shortages.

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