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Apple iOS 4 News

Google+ updated for iOS with shiny new logo

Google+ updated for iOS with shiny new logo Created by MG1 on Dec 06, 2011

The Google+ app has been updated for iOS users, and the new version adds a couple of nice features, but ignores some of the known issues with the app. The update brings the Google+ app on iOS to version, which doesn't really tell you anything.
The nice additions to the app are the ability to upload full resolution pictures from your device, and also a search option. We could make quips about Google taking its sweet time in adding search to Google+, but it seems like a played out thought at this point. Either way, users on iOS can now search for topics, users and keywords on G+ right from the iOS app. One downside with the full res pictures is that you will be able to upload them,... »read more

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