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WebOS will have 'huge advantages' over iOS and Android

WebOS will have 'huge advantages' over iOS and Android Created by MG1 on Feb 06, 2012

Hewlett-Packard CEO Meg Whitman says the company's soon-to-be open source WebOS software will eventually be better than both the Android and iOS platforms.
HP will launch the first version of the reimagined operating system in September this year after deciding to commit the storied software to the open source community.
Whitman said the result will prove to be superior to the 'closed' Apple iOS ecosystem and the undeniably 'fragmented' Android platform.
She also confirmed that the company will re-enter the tablet market, following the HP TouchPad debacle of 2011.
An open and closed case
In an interview with CRN, she said: "There is a clear vision of what we're trying to accomplish.
"There w... »read more

More at: TechRadar UK Add additional source

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