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Nokia Lumia 710 for T-Mobile pops up on eBay

Nokia Lumia 710 for T-Mobile pops up on eBay Created by MG1 on Jan 02, 2012

One way to get your hands on the Nokia Lumia 710 for T-Mobile is to sit tight and wait until January 11 when the smartphone is scheduled to be released. The handset will be priced at $50 after rebate should you sign a 2-year service agreement with the carrier. However, if you are not of the patient kind, or if the contract part of the deal you are not too fond of, what might interest you is the T-Mobile Lumia 710, which is currently for sale on eBay.
Currently, the highest bid stands at $355, which is a reasonable price for a mid-range Windows Phone handset. Besides, you don't need to put your signature under 2-year contracts or anything. Judging by the item's description and the attached im... »read more

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