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New Nokia Lumia 800 firmware "triples" battery life

New Nokia Lumia 800 firmware "triples" battery life Created by MG3 on Mar 06, 2012

Nokia’s first Windows Phone, the Lumia 800, started shipping almost four months ago. A small percentage of those who were the first to pick it up have had some issues with their battery. Either their device was burning through a full charge way too quickly, or worse yet they couldn’t even recharge their phone and had to replace it. In order to rectify the issue Nokia said they would ship two firmware updates, which they did, but some people still experienced issues. Today we’ve just learned that there’s a third firmware update being rolled out in Singapore, version 12070. The folks at WPCentral flashed it on their Lumia 800 and say that battery life “tripled”, but the good news doesn’t stop ... »read more

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