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Hasbro sues Asus over Transformer Prime tablet

Hasbro sues Asus over Transformer Prime tablet Created by MG1 on Dec 23, 2011

Don't say we didn't tell you so: Hasbro sued Asus over the name of its Transformer Prime tablet last week, in a federal district court. The toymaker is no doubt worried that the name could be confused with that of its Transformers franchise, not to mention Optimus Prime, the lead protagonist of the animation and film series... though we're not quite sure how a robot that transforms into a semi truck could be confused with a tablet and detachable keyboard. Perhaps Hasbro is worried that tablet buyers might see it as a licensed product. Hasbro has already sent out a generic statement about its willingness to "aggressively protect its brands," and we're reaching out to Asus right now. According... »read more

More at: TheVerge Add additional source

Additional sources: Hasbro suing Asus over the Transformer Prime tablet read at IntoMobile Report

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