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Microsoft Windows Phone 7.5 News

AT&T announces Windows Phone Mango lineup coming this fall, existing devices to be updated

AT&T announces Windows Phone Mango lineup coming this fall, existing devices to be updated Created by MG1 on Sep 13, 2011

In the first of what we expect to be many announcements related to Windows Phone Mango devices, AT&T stepped up to the plate this morning by unveiling three new "4G" handsets that use the latest version of Microsoft's OS: the HTC Titan, Samsung Focus S and Focus Flash. We already know quite a bit about the Titan, but details on Sammy's selections are slim for now -- images aren't even available for either phone, though it's likely we've seen at least one of them before. In addition, the carrier's also planning to update its entire existing lineup with Windows Phone 7.5.
As for the fall lineup, there doesn't seem to be a slacker in the bunch. The Focus S will have a 4.3-inch Super AMOLED Plus... »read more

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