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Apple iOS 5 News

Adobe AIR 2.7 brings improved speed to iOS, cordial installation to Android

Adobe AIR 2.7 brings improved speed to iOS, cordial installation to Android Created by MG3 on Jun 22, 2011

Adobe AIR 2.7 may be a sad joke for Linux users, but it's likely to be a true zinger for the mobile crowd. Take iOS, where the runtime now delivers noticeably faster performance, along with render speeds that are up to four times faster in CPU mode -- quite a punchline, if you ask us. For those on the Android side of the fence, you now have the option to install AIR to your device's SD card (and thus, make room for less considerate applications). Sadly, there's no monumental leaps in speed for Google's users, but you're getting used to this, right? For a quick peek of what the Apple constituency can expect, you'll find a video after the break with two iPads -- one running 2.6, the other feat... »read more

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