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Sony PSVITA News

AT&T switches up Sony PlayStation Vita data plan options

AT&T switches up Sony PlayStation Vita data plan options Created by MG3 on Jan 25, 2012

AT&T announced at CES 2012 that it would be carrying the Sony PlayStation Vita portable connected gaming device, and with that announcement, it said that customers would be able to choose between two data plans for it - a $15 per month plan that offered 250MB of data, and a $25 per month plan with 2GB of data. Now that AT&T has introduced new data plans for its smartphone and tablet devices, it has decided to change the offerings for the Vita as well. Gone is the $25 per month option, replaced by a 3GB, $30 per month plan. It appears that users will still be able to choose the smaller data package if they desire. The PlayStation Vita is due to hit AT&T's shelves on February 22 for $299. »read more

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