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Microsoft Windows Phone 7 News

'Smoked by Windows Phone' challenge to transition into an ad campaign

'Smoked by Windows Phone' challenge to transition into an ad campaign Created by MG15 on Jan 11, 2012

This certainly shouldn't be a surprise to anyone who saw the news about the challenge before, but it is looking like the $100 challenge that we've seen at CES to beat Windows Phone on speed will likely become an advertising campaign for Microsoft. The challenge itself has reportedly been going quite well for Windows Phone, at last check it had 21 wins and only one loss and one tie, but of course the challenge wasn't exactly a fair fight. It's not that the challenge was rigged exactly, but it was certainly designed so Windows Phone would win, much like any HTML5 "test" that you'll find on Microsoft's IE sites, or a Pepsi challenge (of course Pepsi tastes better than Coke on one sip, but after... »read more

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Additional sources: #Smokedbywindowsphone $100 Challenge to be an ad campaign read at WMPoweruser Report

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