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Asus' MeeGo-based Eee PC X101 hits e-tailers for $200

Asus' MeeGo-based Eee PC X101 hits e-tailers for $200 Created by MG1 on Sep 14, 2011

First announced at Computex, Asus is preparing to shove its latest mini-notebook out of the gates with units already available for preorder through online retailer including Amazon. Netbooks have undoubtedly lost ground to tablets, but major vendors seem agree that both will coexist in the near future. Hoping to stand out in a congested and increasingly stagnant market, Asus' latest device offers a slightly different take on the conventional netbook.
Instead of Windows, the Eee PC X101 ships with MeeGo, the Linux-based amalgamation of Intel and Nokia's Moblin and Maemo operating systems. We haven't seen many MeeGo-based devices and according to a DigiTimes report last week, Intel might slow ... »read more

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