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Verizon activated more iPhones than 4G LTE devices last quarter

Verizon activated more iPhones than 4G LTE devices last quarter Created by MG1 on Jan 05, 2012

Verizon Wireless CFO Fran Shammo revealed that the carrier activated a record 4.2 million Apple iPhones during the holiday season. The largest carrier in the United States set another record, as the company turned on service for 2.2 million LTE devices in the fourth quarter.
Verizon barely missed its lofty goal of 11 million iPhones sold in 2011 by only a few thousand, ending the year with 10.7 million sold. This was the highest number of activations since the company first rolled out LTE in late 2010. The spike in activations would likely suggest the double data promotion Big Red ran for its LTE devices during the holidays was a major success. With the release of Motorola’s Droid Razr, the ... »read more

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