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iPhone for Verizon Wireless - how it compares to other versions

iPhone for Verizon Wireless - how it compares to other versions Created by MG1 on Dec 07, 2011

Another day, another question to answer. This time one of our readers asked me whether the iPhone 4S sold by Verizon Wireless is any better than what two other big carriers (AT&T and Sprint) are offering.
The short answer is – NO! You’ll get the best experience with AT&T’s iPhone 4S because it’s the only one that supports simultaneous voice and data. While iPhone 4S sold by Sprint and Verizon Wireless rely on a CDMA network, AT&T’s version connects to a GSM one, which allows this capability [data and voice at the same time]. In real-life this means that you’ll still be getting push notifications from the web even when you’re in the middle of a call. »read more

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