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Researchers expose printer vulnerability, turn LaserJets into literal time bombs (update)

Researchers expose printer vulnerability, turn LaserJets into literal time bombs (update) Created by MG1 on Nov 30, 2011

Your precious printer might seem innocuous but, in reality, it could be a ticking time bomb just waiting for some hacker to trigger it. Oh, and we mean that not just figuratively, but literally as well -- they could actually be caused to burst into flames by some ne'er-do-well half-way around the globe. Of course, the potential doesn't end at remote arson, an attacker could easily gain access to a network or steal documents, and hijacking the lowly device would require little more than printing an infected file. So far researchers at Columbia University have only managed to exploit the hole on HP printers, but it's possible (if not likely) that others are also affected. Most printers look fo... »read more

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Filed in: Imaging DevicesHP

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