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Here's how to trade in your "old iPad" and get the best value for it

Here's how to trade in your "old iPad" and get the best value for it Created by MG1 on Mar 09, 2012

The new iPad arrived with a bang on Wednesday and you’ve had enough time to read our initial thoughts, check out the specs, drool on that new Retina display and appreciate its addition of LTE connectivity with no battery life sacrifices. In a nutshell, you want it. Just like you wanted the iPad 2 and just like you wanted the OG iPad.
But do you just stack it up along with that “old iPad” that just now looks terribly outdated in your eyes? And are you ready to just feed Apple another $500 or more without getting anything back for your iPad?
There are a couple of ways to sell your old iPad and not feel all that bad for getting the new one. You probably know the standard drill. You auction the ... »read more

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