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Monster Diamond Tears Pro Reviews

CNET Reviews‘s review Edit

People will invariably have very different reactions to the design of the Diamond Tears, with some folks finding them striking and supercool while others are repelled by their gaudiness. Whatever the case, that they are able to provoke a strong reaction is a win for Monster and its designers. While models like Sony's Simon Cowell-backed MDR-X10 headphones are clearly more comfortable, aesthetically the X Headphones don't make as strong a statement as these and are just funky-looking -- and not so much in a good way (a new, smaller X Headphone model is on the way that isn't as bulbous). While the Diamond Tears personally aren't my style and seem more geared toward women -- and not just real housewives from New Jersey -- some dudes, I suppose, will rock these with pride. I could also see a few guys ostensibly buying them for a girlfriend or spouse and then "borrowing" them when they didn't get used enough. As for their high price, well, they clearly aren't a bargain. That's par for the course for so-called status headphones, and while I can sit here telling you that they're overpriced, if people keep buying them at $300, apparently they aren't. On a more positive note, at least they seem well-built and sound good. In other words, there's some substance to go along with the flashy looks, which may surprise some folks. That's not enough to make me want to drop $300 on them, but I'm not the target market.
7.6 Rated at:

Published on:
Jan 18, 2013

The average pro reviews rating is 7.6 / 10, based on the 1 reviews.

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