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Google Android 4.0 News

HTC responds to Android 4.0, may pass on upgrades

HTC responds to Android 4.0, may pass on upgrades Created by MG1 on Oct 20, 2011

HTC has issued an official response (embedded below) to the launch of Google’s Android 4.0 operating system. Although the launch centered on rival Samsung’s Galaxy Nexus hardware, which will also be first to market, HTC has acknowledged that its existing customers will be keen to get their hands on the new features announced by Google. However, the company has not offered any timeframe for when the operating system upgrades, which have traditionally taken months to arrive after Google has posted the source code for the OS.
HTC’s statement reads:
"We are excited about the latest update for Android, Ice Cream Sandwich, and are currently reviewing its features and functionality to determine our... »read more

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