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Samsung GALAXY Nexus News

Amazon UK has vendor with Samsung GALAXY Nexus in stock November 7th for $930

Amazon UK has vendor with Samsung GALAXY Nexus in stock November 7th for $930 Created by MG1 on Oct 26, 2011

According to Verizon's latest MAP listings, we expect to see the Samsung GALAXY Nexus launch in the States on November 10th. But if the listing for the phone spotted on Amazon's UK site is correct, we might see it released a few days earlier overseas and maybe-just maybe-in the U.S. as well. The listing comes from someone with the name "KingofGadgets" which might put a bit of a damper on this whole thing.
The version of the Samsung GALAXY Nexus on the Amazon UK site is SIM free and unlocked which means in the U.S., it will be running over AT&T's 3G pipelines. The price is 539.99 GBP which is approximately $930 USD. Of course, if you are a Verizon customer, and have an update to burn, you wi.... »read more

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