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Nokia N9 countdown timer disappears confusing early wannabe MeeGo adopters

Nokia N9 countdown timer disappears confusing early wannabe MeeGo adopters Created by MG1 on Aug 10, 2011

The Nokia N9 has been graced with a lot of attention for an experimental device running on a platform doomed in the long-term and it even got its own countdown timer page at Nokia Sweden. But now - just as early MeeGo wannabe adopters started the 45-day countdown until September 23rd, the official N9 release date for Sweden - the Finns pulled the timer from the website leaving a swiftly shrinking user base confused.
What could this mean? The first and most realistic guess seems to be that Espoo has delayed the Nokia N9, but removing the timer might also mean that the company is ready to release the phone earlier.
Or was it just a technical issue? We guess that the answer should come soon, b... »read more

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Filed in: Cell PhonesNOKIAN9

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