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Sony SAL-35F14G specs

Sony SAL-35F14G
We are currently working on upgrading our specs, but here are some short details.

Product Name - 35mm F1.4G

35mm equivalent focal length when used with APS-C sensor camera - 52.5

Lens Groups-Elements - 8-10

Angle of View, attached to 35mm-format camera; degrees - 63

Angle of View, attached to APS-C-format camera; degrees - 44

Aperture Blades - 9

Circular Aperture - YES

Min. Aperture - 22

Min. Focus (shortest distance from image sensor to subject); m - 0.3

Max.Magnification - 0.2

Filter Diameter; mm - 55

Dimension(Max. Diameter x Length); mm - 69x76

Weight; g - 510

Front lens cap - YES

Rear lens cap - YES

Lens hood

Petal hood

Carrying case - YES

also know as: Sony 35mm F1.4 G

If you are interested in using our specs commercially, check out our Camera Lenses specs database licensing page.

Filed in: Sony Camera Lenses

Created by MG28 , Last update by MG15 , Sep 19, 2011


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