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Microsoft Windows Phone 7 News

Nokia Windows Phones still on track for 2011 launch

Nokia Windows Phones still on track for 2011 launch Created by MG1 on Sep 19, 2011

There's not been too much to write about on the Nokia Windows Phone front lately, which is always a worrying sign that a launch delay is inevitable. But Nokia is adamant that it will still be launching its first range of Windows Phones in 2011.
This is according to the official Nokia Twitter account, which promises that we will see some phones in Q4, with the majority of stock coming in early 2012.
"We cannot confirm local availability but the 1st Nokia w/ WP devices will ship in Q4 and with volumes in 2012," explained the tweet.
Nokia Win!
We've been waiting a rather long time for a Nokia Windows Phone to land - the original announcement was back in February.
It wasn't until June, however, ... »read more

More at: TechRadar UK Add additional source

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