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Microsoft Windows Phone 7 News

Voice texting demoed for Nokia Windows Phone, Mango to have voice map navigation as well

Voice texting demoed for Nokia Windows Phone, Mango to have voice map navigation as well Created by MG1 on Aug 04, 2011

While it's probably nothing Vlingo doesn't do already, the head of Nokia US has demonstrated voice texting while driving for a briefing seminar at the Center for Automotive Research.
The interesting tidbit here is that this tech will be available in Nokia Windows Phones and other Mango devices, and the Windows Team blog even posted how it is supposed to work while you are driving:
WP: [music pauses]You have a text message from Cody Pardi. You can say read it or ignore.
Me: Read it.
WP: “When will you be home?” You can say reply, call or I’m done.
Me: Reply.
WP: Say your message.
Me: “In about 20 minutes.”
WP: [The phone transcribes and repeats the message] You can say send, try again, or I’m... »read more

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