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Google Android News

Samsung and Google Android Event Moved to October 19

Samsung and Google Android Event Moved to October 19 Created by MG1 on Oct 14, 2011

Google and Samsung will be hosting their joint Ice Cream Sandwich-New Nexus Phone event in Hong Kong on October 19th at 10:00am local time (which is October 18th at 10:00pm EST). The event, originally planned for October 11, was delayed out of respect for the late Steve Jobs.
Ice Cream Sandwich, or Android 4.0 for those of you not familiar with the code name, will unify the disparate smartphone (Android 2.x) and tablet (Android 3.x) versions of its mobile OS with a consistent UI and app framework. This will hopefully enable developers to more easily port their apps to all of the many screen sizes and resolutions that Android devices sport. As is normal with new Android launches, Samsung is e... »read more

More at: AnandTech Add additional source

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