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Schmidt says Google won't screw up Android with Motorola acquisition

Schmidt says Google won't screw up Android with Motorola acquisition Created by MG1 on Oct 04, 2011

When Google acquired Motorola over the summer, the biggest concern was that the relationship balance would shift away from the other manufacturers. Google reassured us that Motorola wouldn’t automatically be first in line to work on Nexus handsets, and Google ex-CEO (now Chairman) Eric Schmidt recently reiterated the sentiment in an interview.
“The Android ecosystem is the No. 1 priority, and that we won’t do anything with Motorola, or anybody else by the way, that would screw up the dynamics of that industry. We need strong, hard competition among all the Android players. We won’t play favorites in the way people are concerned about.”
That’s nice to hear and all, but I could hardly blame ot... »read more

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