Apple iPad Questions & Answers
Its just not their most magical invention yet....
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Really... no camera... no mac osx.... looks like a giant ipod touch and my ipod touch does everything it is.... yah... this isn't magical, plus u can get atnt service.... wow.... there service is aweful... was hoping for verizon but there vice president who chose atnt because "the cards easier to make and people wont buy it on verizon" chose not to... Really no internet ports, nothing... its a giant ipod touch thats expensive for what it offers
Eh, this isn't a tablet...not very good.
Great product in terms of thought... Bad in terms of basic features missing which were highly expected... Will wait for Adam Tablet!
I really wish I was in the room when they came up with the name. Honestly, how did Apple not see any of the parodies?
it aint gonna kick ass! .. swtich to the joojoo!
well yes but what it will do for apple is put it more into the e-reader market and mobile game market, which will give apple for developers for OS X
I like this, i want this because it's like a laptop and an iPod haha