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Google has built a "firewall" between Android team and Motorola

Google has built a "firewall" between Android team and Motorola Created by MG1 on Feb 28, 2012

There has been a constant bit of concern from the Android community that Google would give an unfair advantage to Motorola after the acquisition went through. And, although there is almost no reason to believe that this will actually happen, or that if it were to happen that Google wouldn't do something really good with it, the fears over this concern have been continually played upon by Google's rivals.
Of course, Google and Eric Schmidt have continually said that Motorola would be kept separate and run as if it were an independent company. The recent news that Google would be installing its own CEO to replace Motorola's former-CEO Sanjay Jha again made some scared, even though such a move... »read more

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Filed in: MotorolaGoogle

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