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BLU Life 8 XL Pro Reviews

Phone Arena‘s review Edit

Superficially, BLU has an enticing thing in the Life 8 XL, which is attached with a $129.99 outright price point. That alone earns adulation, especially in a market where phones bought outright can easily reach over $500 to own. Despite its eye-catching price point, the low cost is indicative of its performance, quality, and construction. What we have here folks, purely simple and whatnot, is a downright cheap phone that offers the bare functions of any Android smartphone. If you have patience, you’ll tolerate its sluggish performance with gaming. If you don’t care about the quality that comes from cropping photos you’ve taken with the camera, this might suffice. And if you don’t mind charging the phone on various occasions throughout the day, then its battery life will be tolerable. Directly comparing to some of the recent affordably priced Android smartphones we’ve reviewed is tough, especially when its specs are regarded as inferior to the aforementioned phones from earlier. It all just boils down to the obvious here, which is nothing more than it being a cheap phone. And nothing more than that! To tell you the truth, you’d be better off spending the extra $100-$150 to pick up something more acceptable and better performing – such as the Asus Zenfone 2 or Alcatel OneTouch Idol 3.
6.0 Rated at:

Published on:
Jun 30, 2015

The average pro reviews rating is 6.0 / 10, based on the 1 reviews.

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