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Sennheiser PXC 350 Pro Reviews‘s review Edit

The PXC350s are an involving listen, driving along nicely with both high and low bit-rate iPod fodder of all genres. We’re not as convinced by the noise-cancelling, however – switch to their big brothers and things improve considerably, with beefier, more detailed musical performance to boot – and a far classier feel.
8.0 Rated at:


Pocket-lint‘s review Edit

£150 might sound very expensive but for a set of noise cancelling headphones that's not too bad, indeed it's positively reasonable. The quality of the audio and the isolation they put you in is excellent. It's perfectly possible to lose yourself in the audio and that can be priceless when on a train or plane. There's a very good chance that someone or thing will scare you half to death when you're using the headphones as you'll not hear a sound other than the music, talk or soundtrack you're listening to.
9.0 Rated at:

Published on:
Jun 25, 2009

The average pro reviews rating is 8.5 / 10, based on the 2 reviews.

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