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LG 55EA980W Pro Reviews

TechRadar UK‘s review Edit

The long, long wait is over and vaguely affordable big-screen OLED entertainment has finally arrived. And what style it's arrived in, with the 55EA980W imperiously rising to the challenge of living up to all the hype OLED has built up around itself over the past three or four years. Apparently OLED screens remain prohibitively difficult to make, leading to everyone bar LG seemingly withdrawing from the OLED market again for the time being. But that loss looks set to be LG's gain, for if it can continue to make OLEDs as outstanding as the 55EA980W, there will surely always be people out there desperate to buy them.
9.0 Rated at:

Published on:
Mar 03, 2014

The average pro reviews rating is 9.0 / 10, based on the 1 reviews.

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