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FAVI Entertainment RioHD-LED-3 Pro Reviews

ProjectorCentral‘s review Edit

Although poor brightness uniformity makes the RioHD-LED-3 less attractive than it could be as a data projector, the problem has almost no effect on it as a home-entertainment projector. Watching wide-screen material in 16:9 format blacks out the corners of the screen, effectively removing the lack of brightness uniformity as an issue. And even with images in 4:3 aspect ratio, the lack of uniformity is far less obvious with a photo, for example, than with a word processor screen with a solid white background. Beyond that, the RioHD-LED-3 offers a fair number of strong points, including its video quality, its guaranteed lack of rainbow artifacts, a far more usable sound system than most small projectors, and a low total cost of ownership, thanks to both the low initial price and the long life for the LEDs. Also in the plus column is portability. Although the RioHD-LED-3 isn't as small, light, or portable as the pocket projectors it's most similar to in performance, it's certainly portable enough to take with you. And the portability is nicely enhanced by the ability to read files from a USB key. If you're looking for a small, light, inexpensive projector that you can carry easily, the RioHD-LED-3 is certainly a reasonable choice.
7.5 Rated at:

Published on:
Jul 18, 2013

The average pro reviews rating is 7.5 / 10, based on the 1 reviews.

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