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Olympus VR-350 Pro Reviews

Steve's Digicams‘s review Edit

The Olympus VR-350 (which is almost identical to the VR-340 and VR-360) has some specifications that will grab your attention in its price point of a little over $100. With 16MP of resolution, a sharp 3.0-inch LCD, and a 10x optical zoom lens, the VR-350 provides a good value. However, this camera's performance level isn't very good, about like what you'd expect to find in a camera with such a low price tag. The VR-350 responds slowly to commands, has some softness in images, and its video capabilities are well below average. However, its nice zoom lens and easy-to-use configuration - coupled with the low price - make those problems easier to handle for a beginning photographer.
n/a Not rated

Published on:
Dec 04, 2012

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