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Ricoh PJ X3241N Pro Reviews

ProjectorCentral‘s review Edit

he Ricoh PJ X3241N is a particularly good fit as a projector you can carry with you as a traveling companion or transport from room to room. It's also a good fit for keeping in a conference room to connect to as needed, whether you leave it out on a table or store it away when you're not using it. The portability is less important in this context, but the convenience of being able to connect through a wired network or WiFi is potentially more important. In any of these roles, you can set the projector up quickly and easily, thanks to the 1.2x zoom, smooth manual control for both the zoom and focus, and some small touches like the 10-foot power cord that increases the odds that you can reach an outlet without needing an extension cord. If you need audio, you may have to carry a sound system with you, but that's typical for projectors in this weight class. Most important for any of these roles are the projector's brightness and data image quality. The PJ X3241N makes no compromises on these two key features to gain portability, which means you won't have to compromise on them either.
9.2 Rated at:

Published on:
Dec 08, 2011

The average pro reviews rating is 9.2 / 10, based on the 1 reviews.

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