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Sigma 17-70mm F2.8-4.5 DC MACRO Pro Reviews‘s review Edit

Sigma's almost identical 17-70mm f/2.8-4.5 and 18-50mm f/2.8 siblings both look and feel like serious lenses. Neither one is truly a macro lens, despite that specification being in both names, but in other respects the prices are similar enough to allow a buying choice to be made simply by assessing the benefit of a longer zoom range versus a constant f/2.8 maximum aperture.
8.5 Rated at:

Published on:
Jan 23, 2009

slrgear‘s review Edit

Overall, the Sigma 17-70mm f/2.8-4.5 DC Macro looks like a great, all-around lens, one that you could leave attached to your DSLR most of the time, and one that beats most manufacturers' kit lenses in sharpness and (particularly) macro capability.
n/a Not rated

Published on:
Jan 18, 2006

The average pro reviews rating is 8.5 / 10, based on the 2 reviews.

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