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Apple iPhone 4s News

Samsung now wants to ban iPhone 4S sales in Australia and Japan

Samsung now wants to ban iPhone 4S sales in Australia and Japan Created by MG1 on Oct 17, 2011

The ongoing legal battle between Apple and Samsung gets another turn as Samsung now has filed motion for an injunction on Apple iPhone 4S sales in Japan and Australia. Earlier, the Korean company said that it will try to ban sales of the iPhone 4S in France and Italy just a day after its launch as the handset allegedly infringes on its patents.
"In light of these violations, Samsung believes the sale of such Apple devices should be banned," Samsung said in a statement.
At the same time, Apple on its part says it owns a “thicket of patents,” but would only agree licensing “lower level patents.” This basically means that Apple is not there for the money like Microsoft which has reportedly sign... »read more

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