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Apple iPhone 4s News

Apple iPhone 4S jailbreak has places to go and people to see, unlocking would be tougher

Apple iPhone 4S jailbreak has places to go and people to see, unlocking would be tougher Created by MG1 on Oct 07, 2011

Alright, now that we got the new toy from Apple, let's see what will be the situation with jailbreaking it and installing Cydia, the biggest iOS app store after... the App Store. Jailbreaking is considered legal now, not that before the Copyright Office guidelines a good chunk of iPhone users weren't setting them free.
The good news is that it shouldn't be long before a jailbreak appears, since the Chronic Dev Team recently announced they've found no less than five software bootrom exploits for the A5 chip inside the iPhone 4S, and are saving them for the release. The iPad 2 jailbreak came comparatively late, since it was hard to get access to the bootrom, placed inside the A5 this time. Si... »read more

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