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Apple iPhone 5 preview: What to expect

Apple iPhone 5 preview: What to expect Created by MG1 on Oct 04, 2011

Apple is all set to unveil the next generation iPhone or two tomorrow and we thought we’d comb through the rumors and let you know what to expect. More than any other company, Apple is good at keeping secrets, so while some elements have leaked out, I’m sure there will be a few surprises.
Apple CEO Tim Cook should be the one to unveil the iPhone 5 now that Steve Jobs has stepped down but Jobs may make a special appearance. Cook did introduce the Verizon iPhone 4 and Apple may want to make this event about him and the iPhone 5. We’re guessing it’s going to be just the iPhone 5, as the invitation has a “1″ next to the phone icon but rumors still persist about a lower-cost iPhone, maybe called ... »read more

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