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Apple iPhone 4s News

Apple's Fall event set for October 4th, Tim Cook to unveil iPhone 5

Apple's Fall event set for October 4th, Tim Cook to unveil iPhone 5 Created by MG1 on Sep 22, 2011

We’re getting closer and closer. According to AllThingsD, Apple is currently planning to hold the company’s Fall event on October 4th. The report also notes that Apple CEO Tim Cook will be introducing the iPhone 5 most likely without Steve Jobs, though it’s certainly possible Jobs could attend. As far as availability: “Sources added that the plan is now to make the new device available for purchase within a few weeks after the announcement.” We’d suggest that Apple is just setting expectations a little too low and if we had to bet, we’d say that the iPhone 5 would be available within two weeks of the announcement, possibly even a week after. »read more

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