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Apple iPhone 4s News

T-Mobile CMO: no iPhone 5 on our network this year

T-Mobile CMO: no iPhone 5 on our network this year Created by MG1 on Sep 21, 2011

Hopes and dreams = shot. We've had a sneaky suspicion all along that T-Mobile would likely be the only major network not playing host to an iPhone 5 launch party this year, but we still kept our heads high because no official denial had been given from the company's C-level. That's now changed, since T-Mobile CMO Cole Brodman slammed us back into reality at a town hall meeting stating: "we are not going to get the iPhone 5 this year." It's a hard pill to swallow in such a short summation, but there might be a glimmer of hope -- technically Brodman only referenced one specific name. Since there's always a possibility that Apple will choose a different title for its fifth-gen device (or even a... »read more

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