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Samsung GALAXY Tab 10.1 News

Samsung delays Galaxy Tab 10.1 launch in Australia amid patent battle with Apple

Samsung delays Galaxy Tab 10.1 launch in Australia amid patent battle with Apple Created by MG15 on Aug 29, 2011

Just a few days after suffering a legal setback in Dutch court, Samsung has now decided to delay the launch of its Galaxy Tab 10.1 in Australia, amid its heightening patent infringement battle with Apple. In a hearing today, the Korean manufacturer announced that it would refrain from selling or marketing its new tablet within Australia, before September 30th. Samsung made a similar concession earlier this month, agreeing to halt sales of its slates until today's hearing and to provide Apple with product samples at least seven days prior to its Australian launch. The company says it presented the samples on Thursday, but Cupertino's lawyers insisted that the Australian version of the Galaxy ... »read more

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