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Samsung GALAXY Tab 10.1 News

Apple Successfully Blocks Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 From Europe

Apple Successfully Blocks Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 From Europe Created by MG1 on Aug 10, 2011

Apple and Samsung have been in the heat of an intense legal battle across several countries, but it looks like Apple has taken the upper hand. We recently heard that Samsung had decided not to sell its Galaxy Tab 10.1 Android tablet in Australia due to the legal issues with Apple. This time around, the tablet has been blocked from being sold in Europe, giving us a clear sign that things are tipping in Apple’s favor.
The issue originally started when the iPhone maker accused Samsung of “slavishly copying” the iPhone and iPad design, and that the Korean manufacturer lacked any originality or innovation. Samsung returned fire by suing Apple for infringing on several wireless patents. The two ha... »read more

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