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Canon EF 55-200mm f/4.5-5.6 II USM specs

Canon EF 55-200mm f/4.5-5.6 II USM
We are currently working on upgrading our specs, but here are some short details.

Angle of view (horzntl, vertl, diagnl) - 36° - 10°, 25° - 7°, 43°- 12°

Lens construction (elements/groups) - 13/13

No. of diaphragm blades - 6

Minimum aperture - 22-27

Closest focusing distance (m) - 1.2

Maximum magnification (x) - 0.06 (Wide); 0.21 (Tele)

AF actuator - micro USM

Filter diameter (mm) - 52

Max. diameter x length (mm) - 70.4 x 97.3

Weight (g) - 310

Magnification with Extension Tube EF12 - 0.29 - 0.06

Magnification with Extension Tube EF25 - 0.50 - 0.14

Lens hood - ET-54

Soft case - LP1016

G.F.Holder III (hood III*) - (3)

G.F.Holder IV (hood IV*) - (3)

If you are interested in using our specs commercially, check out our Camera Lenses specs database licensing page.

Filed in: Canon Camera Lenses

Description: The EF 55-200 f/4.5-5.6 II USM is a lightweight telephoto zoom lens, redesigned to give a better grip and improved electronic circuitry. An ideal addition to a EOS SLR photographer’s arsenal.

Created by MG28 , Last update by MG2 , Jan 27, 2011


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