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JVC DLA-X7 Pro Reviews‘s review Edit

Does a huge, bright, detailed 3D picture sound appealing? It’s going to cost you… but it’s definitely worth it.
10.0 Rated at:‘s review Edit

The JVC DLA-X7 projector eventually became more than I’d hoped for, even if it was harder to get all the way there than I’d expected. I’m being very nitpicky to the point of curmudgeonly, but I blame JVC for that. I’ve lived with their previous projectors for the last three years, and they’ve set my bar high. Indeed, the only caveat in my otherwise enthusiastic recommendation of the DLAX7 is the less expensive DLA-X3’s cost-to-performance ratio. I’ll leave that part to you and your checkbook, but note that the DLA-X7’s color tweakability and 3D improvements sold me. I bought the DLA-X7 as my new reference projector. My money’s where my mouth is, and that, dear reader, is the highest recommendation I or anyone else can offer.
8.0 Rated at:

Published on:
May 04, 2011

TechRadar UK‘s review Edit

However impressive the X7's 3D pictures might be, 3D viewing will probably only occupy a small proportion of your total viewing time (unless you're James Cameron). So it's handy that the X7 is also a terrific 2D projector. On top of its impressive handling of dark sequences are punchy whites that are a big step forward from last year's models, intense colours and clean motion handling, even without resorting to the provided motion processing circuitry. We also commend the X7's freedom from distracting video noise and its terrific sharpness, which did full justice to the exceptionally detailed Blu-ray transfer of The Social Network.
10.0 Rated at:

Published on:
May 04, 2011

AVForums‘s review Edit

The JVC DLA-X7 continues the lineage of outstanding home projectors from the company. The new design is slick and build quality is very good. The lens has been moved back to a central position on the Chassis and the connections for your sources are now where they belong on the rear panel. There are also new features on board that make operation easier such as two anamorphic modes for those who want to use a third party lens. Now you can leave the lens in place all the time and take advantage of the new scaling options on the projector. This will certainly save you money when it comes to not requiring a lens sled in your set up. The only downside is that with 3D material the X7 disables the anamorphic modes.
10.0 Rated at:

Published on:
Feb 20, 2011‘s review Edit

To be honest, we’d expected to find the X7 problematic, chiefly on the grounds that the X3 was so ridiculously good for its money that coughing up nearly double for the X7 just wouldn’t make sense. But the X7’s step up in picture quality, at least in 2D mode, is startlingly enough that we can easily imagine many people heading down to their local high-end AV dealer hell-bent on an X3 only to emerge a good demo later with an X7 under their arm and a drained credit card in their wallet.
9.0 Rated at:

Published on:
Feb 18, 2011‘s review Edit

In fact, it’s actually the stunning quality of the X7’s 2D performance that stayed with us more than its more headline-grabbing 3D performance – even though it’s the optical improvements ushered in for 3D that actually help 2D shine so much! And if the 3D performance wasn’t quite as awesome as we’d hoped it might be, it’s worth stressing that unlike Sony, JVC is pretty much giving you 3D for free, since its new series costs pretty much the same as last year’s non-3D models.
n/a Not rated

Published on:
Oct 21, 2010

The average pro reviews rating is 9.4 / 10, based on the 6 reviews.

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