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Thecus i5500 Pro Reviews

PC Pro‘s review Edit

Thecus' desktop IP SAN appliance sets the standard for iSCSI performance and features but at a high price. With only Buffalo and Thecus offering desktop iSCSI appliances your choices are very limited. If you want one now then the i5500 is the far superior product but it's difficult to see how Thecus can justify the high price.
6.5 Rated at:

Published on:
Oct 15, 2008‘s review Edit

The only competition to the i5500 comes from Buffalo's TeraStation Pro II iSCSI and although that four bay appliance costs a lot less than the i5500 we felt it was ultimately flawed. Thecus is a clear winner for presentation, performance and features but if you want iSCSI on the desktop be prepared to pay for the privilege.
7.0 Rated at:

Published on:
Dec 14, 2008

The average pro reviews rating is 6.8 / 10, based on the 2 reviews.

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