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PNY GTX 460 OVERCLOCKED 1024MB Pro Reviews

benchmarkreviews‘s review Edit

In conclusion, NVIDIA's GF104 Fermi GPU is exactly what the mid-range discreet graphics market needed. The 768MB version of the GeForce GTX 460 already beats the ATI Radeon HD 5830 at the $200 price point, the 1GB version deepens the divide, and now the PNY GeForce GTX 460 XLR8 overtakes the Radeon HD 5850 to help consumers save $55 in the process. It's been great to see NVIDIA offer budget-minded gamers so much value with the GTX 460, primarily because this video card series wins over the segment, but also because it overclocks well into the next level of graphics products. PNY has a solid winner on their hands with the XLR8 Black Box Edition, and gamers reap the benefits.
9.0 Rated at:

Published on:
Sep 01, 2010

The average pro reviews rating is 9.0 / 10, based on the 1 reviews.

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