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Flip Mino Pro Reviews

Digital Trends‘s review Edit

...if you're buying it for yourself as your primary camera, spend a little more and get something different.
6.5 Rated at:

Published on:
Jun 12, 2008

LAPTOP Magazine‘s review Edit

Overall, we recommend the Flip Mino because of its sleek design, easy-to-use software, and solid video quality for $179. But compared to the Kodak Zi6, an identically priced pocket camcorder that shoots even sharper 720p video and takes still photos, the Flip Mino falls short. Some might prefer the Flip Mino because it’s less bulky, but we say you’ll get more for your money with the Zi6.
7.0 Rated at:

Published on:
Aug 05, 2008

PC World‘s review Edit

There's no competition when it comes to YouTube-friendly pocket camcorders: the Mino is king, but for a price.
8.0 Rated at:

Published on:
Jun 09, 2008

Camcorderinfo‘s review Edit

This is strong showing once again for Pure Digital. The Flip Mino is incredibly compact, inexpensive, and easy to use. This could be the perfect gift for someone who has commented that they'd love to share video with family and friends but can't figure out how to work "that camcorder in the closet." It's also a great item for little hands that might not be trusted with a $500+ investment item just yet. Always wish you had a camcorder on hand, but can't afford to lug a big device around in your bag? Again, the Flip Mino could be a good choice. We recommend playing with one at your local camera shop or megastore. The reason for its success is simple: the thing just works.
n/a Not rated

Published on:
Jun 25, 2008

The average pro reviews rating is 7.2 / 10, based on the 4 reviews.

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