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Digital Projection HIGHlite Cine 260 HC Pro Reviews‘s review Edit

Some of the features of the Digital Projection HIGHlite Cine 260 HC weren’t as useful as they might have been, particularly Dynamic Black. The projector is also no world-beater in its black level and shadow detail on the darkest movie scenes. And you could argue that the absence of 3D compatibility in any home theater projector today needs to be seriously considered before purchase. But the Digital Projection HIGHlite Cine 260 HC’s strengths—brightness, resolution, color, and an off-the-charts wow factor—are so good that it would be churlish to give it anything less than a strong recommendation and a Top Pick. Be advised that if you are content with (or can only accommodate) a smaller screen, want 3D, and/or are a stickler for the deepest blacks (like many of us here at Home Theater), there are other less expensive and very impressive options. But none of them will provide the big-screen experience in quite the same way.
7.0 Rated at:

Published on:
Apr 28, 2011

The average pro reviews rating is 7.0 / 10, based on the 1 reviews.

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