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Epson EH-TW3800 Pro Reviews‘s review Edit

Now, this is one projector that gets off to a winning start. This Epson is easier than a particularly easy Sunday morning when it comes to getting it firing an image exactly where you want one.
8.0 Rated at:


TechRadar UK‘s review Edit

A thoroughly respectable projector that successfully addresses 3LCD's traditional weaknesses of poor blacks, the TW3800 is nevertheless expensive. However, it is easy to operate and can cope with daylight well enough to be used with games consoles, so it's worth looking for the inevitable online discounts if you've got Blu-ray and gaming ambitions. Do that, and you've found an impressively versatile way to upgrade to full HD.
8.0 Rated at:

Published on:
Mar 17, 2009‘s review Edit

I guess it might have been nice if Epson could have stretched to some sort of frame interpolation system like that sported by Panasonic's £2,150 PT-AE3000 - but then motion still looks good on the TW3800, and you don't have to worry about processing artefacts.
9.0 Rated at:

Published on:
May 18, 2009

The average pro reviews rating is 8.3 / 10, based on the 3 reviews.

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